Saturday, October 22, 2005

Look to Christ!

There are more unfathomable merits, endless joys, and soul-satisfying delights for all of God's redeemed in the Person of Christ than ten thousand eternities will be able to unfold! All that God is for us in Christ Jesus is an endless ocean that is the believer's in which to swim! For all of eternity, all of the saints, without limitations, will behold the "glory of God in the face of Christ" (II Cor. 4:4,6), and be satisfied fully in Him!

But, what about today?

God would have us be on a radical pursuit NOW of all that He is for us in Christ, not merely when we arrive in heaven (Psalm 42, 63; Phil. 3; Col. 1:9-23). How shall we pursuit this sort of Christ-centered satisfaction? Look to Christ! Today, even now, look to Him! Turn your eye of faith to Jesus in this moment, and believe, by God's grace, "You, Jesus, are enough!" All of the promises in Christ are "Yes and Amen!," they are all true! "My God will supply all of your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 4:19).

As a stranger to God and and enemy of God, look to Christ. Jesus Christ died for your sins just like the Bible said He would, He was buried, and He rose the third day just as the Bible predicted. Trust Christ as your only hope for favor with God! Trust Christ because He alone bore God's wrath for sinners in such a way that we can now have God's favor!

As a doubter of His goodness, look to His infintely benevolent offering of His only Son for your sinful soul! This is the best good He, let alone anyone else, could have done for you - and He has done it! How will He who gave you the best good, withold from you any lesser good? Indeed He won't! All that seems to be trouble, is from God's view a mountain of grace for you to enjoy all of His glories that He has put on display through His grace in Christ! (Romans 8:32).

As a troubled saint, look to Christ and say, "Christ is true...He said, 'Blessed are you when men cast insults at you, and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely on account of Me. Rejoice and be glad (preach to your soul - "Be glad!"), for your reward in heaven is great!" (Matthew 5:11-12)

As a doubter of His ability to hold you in His saving grip in light of your ongoing struggles with sin, look to Christ and ask, "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? He who did not spare His only Son (imagine this!), but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things (now it should be easy to imagine this!)" (Romans 8:35, 32).

Now, even now, look to Christ. Find all, all, all of your ability to stand before God in Christ! Find all of your soul's comfort in Christ. Look to Christ!

In Christ, John 3:30

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