Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Moved & Moved

The long abscence of posts on Solus Christus has been due to our recent move from Minneapolis to Memphis.

Though our physical transit was over 900 miles, our hearts have undergone the greatest move. Mrs. Ida, who lives down the street, took a walk with my family tonight and gave us some schooling on the city. "Those people" she said as she pointed down the road toward some dilapidated homes, "are killing left and right." Clearly, Ida is emotionally desensitized from the incalculable number of murder victims she knew. Lord, use me to reach her! There's no doubt that Willie was strung out on some hallucinogenic, and less doubt that he is someone I'd love to see come to Christ, Grace Church, and deployed as a soldier in Christ's army. Mrs. Deion, apparently the neighborhood grandmother, seems to be a sweet believer and has already made a point to stop by and invite us to worship with her at Apostolic Deliverance Temple of Holiness (Lord willing we will do so on July 23 - which is the next Sunday I'm not preaching someplace). Hank, surprized to live behind a pastor, is being covered in prayer. These, along with Lativia, Chris, Shonda, Jenni, Antoine, Tony, Angela, Mike, Tyler, Dillon, Xavier, and the scores of others we've seen and met in these few days are just some of the people we have been praying for the last year. It's nice to have faces and names go along with the cries for the gospel to speed ahead (II Thes 3:1).

May God be pleased to use us to lead any of these who remain unbeliving to faith in His Son, growth in biblical maturity, and an engagment with God in His global purposes.

Soli Deo Gloria!

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