Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Charnock--Finish Strong

pp. 178-193--Application

Dear brother Stephen has been a blessing to my soul!


Anonymous said...

"It is as if a man should set up candles to increase the light of the sun, and (intensify) its beams. Can the righteousness of a man add any perfection to the blood of God or perfect a work which could not be done by the Deity?"

"4But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to His own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, Whom He poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior," Titus 3:4-6

God has saved me! How glorious that He has revealed this to me. There was a time in my life when I would have said that I was saved by the grace of God, yet I would persist that I chose Him. I could not reconcile the fact that He chose me with my own logic of His fairness or justice. I was depending on self-intepretation of Scripture rather than Spirit-intepretation of Scripture.

"27And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will."

God's revealing that I need His Spirit to intepret His Word has led me into a deeper relationship with Him. His Word comes alive by the power of His Spirit working in my mind. How amazing will the Scriptures be one day when all of our sinful natures are completely eradicated! Let us hope in that day and live lives knowing that today by the power of His Spirit we can get a taste of that heavenly day!

"How inexcusable a pride is it to think that not worth our receiving, which God has (received) with the highest affection!"

At times in my life, I have wallowed in my own guilt and sin thinking that in some distorted way that was better than turning and clinging to the Cross of Christ. In my own wisdom, God would be more pleased with my sacrifice of dejection and feeling the guilt rather than believing His Word and covering myself in the blood of Christ. The crazy thing is to believe that there are moments in my life where I do not need to be clinging to His blood and depending on His power to live this life. Oh Lord, let me cling this whole day and every moment of every day to the blood of Christ and the power of Your Holy Spirit! I pray that You would raise men up that would live clinging to Christ as if they let go their whole world would come to an end. We praise You that in the end You are holding onto us with an infinitely stronger grip, and that our sanctification will be a glorious display of Your grace from beginning to eternity!


JS said...

"The glory of God is that which he aimed at, and that which he perfected. It was the will of God which he came to do; but the design of God's will is to glorify himself and declare his own name in all his acts." - pg 177

Charnock is so rich. What a much needed word for such a man-centered, lukewarm church atmosphere in which evangelicalism finds itself in today.

Thanks Jordan! What a great book to go through. It has stirred and encouraged my heart.

May we not just say that we know Christ, but may we LIVE like it!